Become a Beachbody Coach: Join The Bombshell Dynasty

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Three & a half years ago, I was a struggling retail manager...about 20 lbs overweight...completely stressed out...overworked..underpaid & TRAPPED! No savings, no safety net...just a whole lotta stress.

I took a chance...signed up as a Beachbody coach (mostly for the discount and accountability), but I had a feeling in my gut that this was the right path! 

Beachbody gave me my freedom, and not only that, it's afforded me a pretty incredible life, a positive outlook, AMAZING relationships and a very exciting future. I actually started to DREAM again...and set goals! 
My MOTIVATION is to pay it forward and share this blessing with others who are struggling just like I was.

Smart Start Training begins AUG 25th

I didn't have the skills or the knowledge to be a business owner...but I did have
-A desire to do MORE with my life

I STRONGLY believe this opportunity has been placed in my life so that I can share it with other women.

I am confident that I can teach you EXACTLY what I have done to build my business to the caliber that it is now... and actually teach you how to SURPASS my success!

You don’t have to have all of the pieces to be successful. It takes a special kind of person who is willing to take risks & learn as they go!
This business...the opportunity to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, is NOT for everyone

- Those who lack self-discipline.
- Those who want to take the PATH of LEAST resistance.
- Those who need structure and everything spelled out ahead of time.
- Those unwilling to step outside their comfort zone.
- Those who are unwilling to change.

You don’t have to share my exact story BUT I’m looking to connect with women who are JUST like me because I KNOW I can lead them effectively and I also know I will ENJOY working with them! Love my team! hehe

If you….
- know deep down you were meant for something greater...

- want to create independence & freedom for you & your family {or future fam!} BUT also feel a calling to give back and help others!

- Want to live by DESIGN: Be your own boss- work when you want, where you want doing what you LOVE!

- COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices if it meant spending the rest of their life enjoying long-term success!
If you are reading this & you hear that little voice….and your gut is telling you to GO FOR IT...I want to to hear from you!

To be considered for the EXCLUSIVE 21 Day SMART START Training group, APPLY BELOW!

KNOW SOMEONE who would be a GREAT fit?! Share this!


If you are CURRENTLY a coach, you can check out tons my Coach Training at: