Ultimate Reset Day 4

Saturday, May 12, 2012

 Day 4! Woke up today feeling AMAZING!! Serious amounts of energy and overall feeling pretty kick ass!
Honestly with the way day 1-3 were going, I had my doubts about ever feeling energized lol It's funny how it affects everyone differently because friends of mine are doing and on the SAME day and they haven't felt like me AT ALL! Maybe I'm just full of toxins?? lol
During the program you are supposed to do some stretching and maybe some light exercise. I was totally feeling that today, maybe do a walk on the beach or bust out some Tai Cheng. 
Breakfast was phenom! ok yes, I am a fruit LOVER! SO this made my day! Plus!!! We got a piece of toast AND yogurt with maple syrup! SCORE!

Ok this was a LOT of food! I was literally STUFFED after I finished everything. Probably the BEST thing about the reset so far...my taste buds are super sensitive! The berries exploded in my mouth- it was the most delicious and intense flavor Ive ever tasted in my life. 
Interestingly enough, I have no been hungry on this reset. I literally have only been eating because I feel obligated to and not because I am hungry. Weird.
I have however been fantasizing about what pizza tastes like. I wish I could remember but I feel like it tastes pretty effin delicious. 

***Warning*** This next paragraph might be TMI! So skip it if you have issues with bathroom stuff lol

Sooo since this is a cleanse, I was a little worried that it might keep me in the bathroom a lot. I'm happy to report that I have not experienced any, gas or diarrhea! Yay what a relief! But I have noticed that my bowel movements are a little different than usual.  I hate to be so graphic, but I did say that this I was going to give you a raw overview of my journey, so here it goes.  My waste is different in color from all of the veggies that I am eating.  It also does not have a toxic odor from eating fatty foods, meats, cheeses, "bad" carbs" or even processed foods.  Since I'm eating more veggies and less fat, my BMs sink more often.  (FYI, when your poop floats, it's a sign that you are eating a lot of fat in your diet).  I'm still having at least 1 BM per day, but it's not as much as it was before.  Interesting...

Instead of the Nori Rolls for lunch, I decided to stick with a microgreen salad like I had one day 1. So this is where things went a little a-rye. Mid way through eating the salad, I started to get stomach pain. I felt a lot of discomfort and it was almost like I was gassy?

The feeling never left me all night- very uncomfortable and made me grouchy/pretty unpleasant to be around. 

Dinner time came around and the quinoa takes FOREVER to cook when you are hungry so make sure you are looking ahead to make your meals BEFORE you are starving lol 
I have to say, this dinner was one of my all time favorites so far. So delicious! At this point, my tummy was hurting so bad that I didn't finish the tomato/cucumber salad and ending up just going and laying in bed. 

 Fresh Fruit Plate
 Nori Rolls with Tempeh and Veggies
 Stir-Fried Veggies

Fresh fruit plate with whatever's seasonal and fresh in your area (approximately 2 cups of fruit—make lower-glycemic choices, like berries, papaya, melon, peaches, green apple, etc.), ½ cup organic plain yogurt (sweetened with maple, honey, or stevia), and 1 slice whole-grain toast.

Men may add 2 or 3 Tbsp. slivered almonds to yogurt, OR have a second slice of toast OR an additional ½ cup of yogurt.
Nori Rolls with Tempeh and VeggiesLentil-Lime Salad,Microgreen Salad (omit toasted seeds/nuts), and dressing of choice fromrecipe guide.Stir-Fried VeggiesCucumber and Tomato Salad, ¾ cupQuinoa (cook extra, so there's some left over for Quinoa Salad tomorrow), andNori Gomasio

Men may have an additional ½ cup of quinoa OR an additional serving of salad OR an additional serving of veggies.

Reset Eve!
Day 1 

Why Do the Ultimate Reset?
Research the Ultimate Reset, here